The mission of the Precision Animal Models and Organoids Core (PAMOC) is to promote collaborative, multidisciplinary research focused on interactions between host and environment in digestive disease. This Core provides advice and technical services that include production of transgenic, knockout, and knockin mice and assisted reproduction services for maintaining pedigrees via the Mouse Genetics Core. The Precision Animal Models and Organoids Core (PAMOC) evolved to meet our current objectives to 1) assist investigators in the efficient and cost-effective development and propagation of genetically altered mouse models to elucidate the pathogenesis of digestive diseases; and 2) assist investigators in the culture of human and mouse gastrointestinal epithelial cell organoids to address cell biological questions relevant to digestive diseases and host-environment interactions. These novel models will serve as important avenues for pre-clinical studies and enable translation of basic research advances into clinical practice.

Jeffrey H. Miner, PhD
Director, Precision Animals Models and Organoids Core
Eduardo and Judith Slatopolsky Endowed Professor of Medicine

Matthew A. Ciorba, MD
Co-Director, Precision Animals Models and Organoids Core
Professor of Medicine
Service requests
Requests for Mouse Genetics Core services should be made using the Mouse Genetics Core Services form. Submit questions to Requests for services not listed are welcomed, as are queries concerning project design or the details for any service.
Requests for organoid services should be made using the Organoid Core Services form. Submit questions to Dr. Ciorba along with a project description. See the Organoid Component Page for more detail about services offered and how to get started.
Specific services offered
The DDRCC Precision Animals Models and Organoids Core offers a variety of services to assist investigators with production and use of murine models for gastrointestinal research. Investigators are encouraged to contact Jeff Miner at for information/advice about any service, including potential services not listed. The following services are provided; costs are subject to change.
Transgenic mouse production
Investigators construct a transgene or BAC and purify the DNA fragment to be microinjected using an approved protocol. The core will inject the construct into C57BL/6J, FVB/N, (C57BL/6JxCBA)F2 mice, or other strains as requested. The DDRCC investigator cost is $1,695 for three days of injections.
Gene-edited mouse production
For production of mice with targeted mutations or gene edits (knockout, knockin, point mutant, or floxed), the Precision Animals Models and Organoids Core will inject nucleic acids (CRISPR/Cas9 and gene targeting reagents) for production of gene-edited animals. Investigators or an affiliated feeder Core (the Genome Engineering and iPSC Center [GEiC] or the Transgenic Vectors Core) produce the necessary CRISPR/Cas9 reagents and targeting constructs for microinjection by the Mouse Genetics Core. The DDRCC investigator cost is $1,695.00 for three days of injections per mutation.
Assisted reproduction
In vitro fertilization is offered to import a new mouse line into a member’s colony or to assist in the propagation of an existing line when a male mouse is too old or is otherwise unable to produce offspring through natural mating. Ovarian transplants and/or superovulation of female animals to assist in propagation can also be performed. The cost to DDRCC investigators is $350.00 for IVF and $75.00 for each female donor.
Organoid Services
See the Organoid Component Page for more detail.