The mission of the Administrative and Resource Access Core (ARAC) is to provide DDRCC members facilitated access to state-of-the-art technology, expertise, and assistance for genetic profiling (genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic) of clinical and experimental samples that advance the field of digestive and liver disease.
View faculty members associated with this core below:

Nicholas O. Davidson, MD, DSc
Director, Administrative and Resource Access Core
Chief, Division of Gastroenterology
Professor of Medicine and of Developmental Biology

Phillip I. Tarr, MD
Associate Co-Director, Administrative and Resource Access Core
Melvin E. Carnahan Professor of Pediatrics

Gwendalyn Randolph, PhD
Associate Co-Director, Administrative and Resource Access Core
Emil R. Unanue Professor, Pathology & Immunology

Facilitated access to the Administrative and Resource Access Core is promoted through priority assignment and discounted services to members that are provided for under Washington University Cores, detailed below.
Genome Technology Access Center (GTAC) at Washington University
GTAC provides DNA/RNA analysis resources including microarray, Q-PCR, and next-generation sequencing (NGS). Its essential function is to marry the researcher’s hypothesis to the most appropriate and economical technology and provide clear and interpretable data. GTAC does this by facilitating experimental design, executing sample preparation and processing, and running data analysis, utilizing high-performance computing.
The GTAC Core, under the leadership of Richard Head, PhD, provides sequencing services to GTAC collaborators utilizing the Illumina HiSeq 2500, which is Illumina’s most up-to-date Next Gen sequencer. The microarray facility, which was established in 2002, offers Illumina, Agilent and Affymetrix arrays. qPCR services offer quantification of mRNA and detection of DNA variation. GTAC offers Applied Biosystems 7900 for Q-PCR. In addition GTAC offers the Fluidigm system for high throughput genotyping, gene expression and targeted sequencing. Finally GTAC offers Affymetrix/Panomics technology for copy number variation and gene expression on smaller numbers of samples.
In addition to these two large-scale facilities, the Washington University DDRCC also has access to specialized services provided by the Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology, directed by Jeffrey I. Gordon, MD and the Department of Genetics, chaired by Jeffrey Millbrandt, MD, PhD.
QNano Instrument
The DDRCC has acquired a QNANO Instrument V1.0 which uses Tunable Resistive Pulse Sensing (TRPS) technology to enable measurements of nanoparticles suspended in electrolytes. TRPS uses the Coulter principle on the nanoscale. Voltage is applied across the fluid cell via the silver-silver (Ag/AgCl) electrodes. When ions move between the electrodes through the nanopore, it creates a baseline current. A temporary decrease in current is detected as particles pass through the ananopore which allows for the sizing and counting of particles in electrolyte solution. The instrument also has Izon Control Suite Software (CSS) which assists in the collection of sample data and help ensure thatthe best measurement practice is followed.
The instrument will be of use to investigators intending to characterize size distribution and yield of exosomes, microparticles, and other small vesicular structures.
To request service, please fill out form and return to 092418-QNano RFS
10X Genomics Chromium Controller
The DDRCC is happy to announce that their recently acquired 10X Genomics Chromium Controller is fully onboard and ready to accept service requests. We are currently offering the following 10X Genomics Library types:
3’ Gene Expression
5’ Gene Expression
5’ Immune Profiling with V(D)J Enrichment
5’ Gene Expression + Immune Profiling with V(D)J Enrichment
Please feel free to reach out to Lizi Molitor at if you have any questions or would like to request service.
The below tiered cost structure for 10X Chromium Controller library preparations is for DDRCC Members only. The prices listed do not include sequencing and are estimations only, exact cost will be determined upon project completion. Targeted cell/nuclei counts and reads per cell/nuclei are project specific and will determine what sequencing is required and the associated cost. Overall project cost is determined by total number of samples requested. The sample #1 cost is applicable for each 10X Chromium Chip required.
Library Type:
3’ Gene Expression:
Sample #2- #8 $1,809.69/sample
5’ Gene Expression:
Sample #1 $2,139.69
Sample #2- #8 $1,809.69/sample
5’ Gene Expression + Immune Profiling with V(D)J Enrichment:
Sample #1- $2,347.81
Sample #2- #8- $1,917.81/sample
T and B Cell Enrichment-
Sample #1- $2,479.69
Sample #2- #8- $1,949.69/sample
Other 10X Genomics Products Available:
Chromium Nuclei Isolation Kit** $800.00
Chromium Nuclei Isolation Kit + RNase Inhibitors Kit** $2,000.00
** These items are available upon request and offered at cost.
Service requests
In order to promote the outstanding services provided by the Washington University GTAC center, DDRCC members (FULL membership level and/or current pilot and feasibility award recipients) are eligible to receive a $1,000.00 reimbursement toward GTAC services, renewable annually, should the following criteria be met:
- Full members and/or Pilot and Feasibility (P&F) Awardees should submit a brief description outlining the intended use of this supplement and its relationship to DDRCC themes, using the ARAC Request for Service Form.
- This Request for Service will be reviewed by the DDRCC Executive Committee for approval. Awards will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis, with priority consideration being given to P&F awardees. Awards will be tracked via the DDRCC web site.
- The DDRCC Administrative and Resource Access Core must be cited in all resulting abstracts, presentations or manuscripts (Grant #P30DK052574, ARAC Core).
The amount of available funds for these supplements will be reviewed annually and will be determined based on the available DDRCC budget.